Indlægs Arkiv

Igor er rejst til Canada

Det er så frygteligt langt væk, men jeg håber at jeg vil høre fra dem hvordan det går med ham fremover og jeg vil jo også rigtig gerne se billeder af ham, så jeg kan se hvordan han udvikler sig. Der kom en mail fra dem da de var hjemme igen:

Good Morning Karin,

IGOR, Louise and I arrived safely in Vancouver at our home at 4.30 p.m ( Pacific Daylight Time)
a 9 hour time differential.
In real time we were 18 hours from door to door.
I think IGOR has the bladder of a 18 hours of travel he refused to pee in spite of
Louise taking him into baby changing rooms in Copenhagen, Frankfurt and Vancouver
along the way……he was a real little trooper, of course all the ladies on the airplane just
loved him and he just cuddled up to them all.
As I write this he has adjusted beautifully, he loves shrimp, and he is busy exploring every
room in our home ( and his home ) as we slowly introduce him to the different areas.

You are to be congratulated for your dedication to the wonderful upbringing you give to
your Russian Blues and Tibetans, they have great personalities and are so outgoing .
We are so pleased to have IGOR , and you can rest assured he has a very good home
here in Western Canada.

We will keep in touch, and again thank you for making available to us such a loveable
addition to our home, ( he will be sleeping with us this evening with his soft purr )

Very best regards


De sidste billeder jeg har taget af Igor kommer her. Alle gode ønsker følge ham herfra.

Askim`s N Igor

Askim`s N Igor

24.05.2015 Killingerne 11 uger 033 24.05.2015 Killingerne 11 uger 035
24.05.2015 Killingerne 11 uger 055 24.05.2015 Killingerne 11 uger 064
24.05.2015 Killingerne 11 uger 088 24.05.2015 Killingerne 11 uger 089
24.05.2015 Killingerne 11 uger 091 24.05.2015 Killingerne 11 uger 101
24.05.2015 Killingerne 11 uger 119 24.05.2015 Killingerne 11 uger 164

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